SHE­Lead­er­sAR is an Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty mobile app that is being devel­oped as a part of the SHE­Lead­er­sVR project.

App Features:


The app will encour­age vis­it­ing his­tor­i­cal sites in the West­ern Balka­ns and explor­ing the 3D recon­struc­tion of cas­tles and palaces brought to life using Aug­ment­ed Reality. 


The users will learn about the fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of the West­ern Balka­ns through the nar­ra­tion of the queens and princess­es them­selves: Bosn­ian queen Jele­na Gru­ba, Ser­bian princess Mil­i­ca, Mace­don­ian queen Mar­i­ja Pale­ol­o­gos, Alban­ian queen Vojsa­va Trib­al­da and Mon­tene­grin queen Iza­be­ta Crnojević. 


The users will col­lect badges for vis­it­ing each site and explor­ing hid­den sto­ries of queens and princess­es from medieval times. And if they want to learn more, vis­it par­tic­i­pat­ing muse­ums exhibit­ing excit­ing arte­facts from the sites: Nation­al Muse­um of Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina in Sara­je­vo, Nar­o­d­ni muzej Kruše­vac in Ser­bia, Muse­um of the Repub­lic of North Mace­do­nia in Skop­je, Nation­al Muse­um of Alba­nia in Tirana and the Nation­al Muse­um of Mon­tene­gro in Cetinje. 

Web VR Application
