The meeting was organized to finalize the selection of historical characters for storytelling and agree on the final distribution of project activities among partners. The participants also discussed organization of the field trip for filming selected locations in 360 video and digitizing museum exhibits for VR and AR applications.
People who participated in the meeting were Karolina Badzmierowska (NoHo), Jelena Anđelković Grašar (AI), Filip Kuzman, Vukan Ražnatović (NMM), Belma Ramić Brkić, Emina Vejsilović (SSST), Bojan Mijatović, Renato Suzzarello FC, Selma Rizvić PC (DIGI.BA), Konstantinos Giakoumis (expert historian Albania).
The final activities distribution was decided as follows:
— scenarios
— applications structure and visual styling
— VR application production - NoHo
— applications structure and visual styling
— AR application production - SSST
— gameplays, crowds - AI
— historical information, location management Serbia
— funding expert from N. Macedonia - NMM
— historical information location management Montenegro
funding expert from Albania
Vasilka Dimitrovska (N. Macedonia)
— historical information, location management N. Macedonia
Konstantinos Giakoumis (Albania)
historical information, location management Albania
The VR and AR applications will be installed in the following museums: National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, BA, Narodni muzej Kruševac, RS, Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia, Skopje, NM, National Museum of Albania, Tirana, AL, National Museum of Montenegro, Cetinje, MNE.
#SHELeadersVR #eu #WesternBalkan #DIGI.BA #UniversityofSarajevo #NoHo #ArchaeologicalInstituteofBelgrade #NationalMuseumofMontenegro #SSST #virtualreality #creativity
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