SHE­Lead­er­sVR project aims to present in Vir­tu­al and Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty the female rulers from West­ern Balkan coun­tries, the places where they lived and sto­ries from their lives. Bosn­ian queen Jele­na Gru­ba, Ser­bian princess Mil­i­ca, Mace­don­ian queen Mar­i­ja Pale­ol­o­gos, Alban­ian queen Vojsa­va Trib­al­da and Mon­tene­grin queen Iza­be­ta Crno­je­vić will appear in vir­tu­al recon­struc­tions of the cas­tles where they lived and will nar­rate sig­nif­i­cant events from their reign. Users will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vir­tu­al­ly walk through these cul­tur­al mon­u­ments and find dig­i­tized exhibits from muse­ums hold­ing relat­ed collections.

In the first year of the project 360 videos from select­ed loca­tions will be record­ed and sce­nar­ios for dig­i­tal sto­ries will be cre­at­ed. The sec­ond year will be ded­i­cat­ed to the pro­duc­tion of VR and AR appli­ca­tions, and in the third year the eval­u­a­tion of the user expe­ri­ence and the instal­la­tion of the appli­ca­tion in part­ner muse­ums will be car­ried out.

The project con­sor­tium con­sists of DIGI.BA Asso­ci­a­tion (coor­di­na­tor), the experts from Uni­ver­si­ty of Sara­je­vo — Fac­ul­ty of Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing, NoHo from Ire­land, the Archae­o­log­i­cal Insti­tute of Bel­grade, the Nation­al Muse­um of Mon­tene­gro and the Sara­je­vo School of Sci­ence and Technology.



DIGI.BA Asso­ci­a­tion (DIGI.BA)


Sup­port­ed by